When it comes to hair loss, you have probably heard of the current options that have been used by many individuals. There is the topical Rogaine that can be applied to the scalp. This can help slow down hair loss and, in some individuals, help regrow hair, but it is only designed to work for hair loss at the back of the head. A receding hairline or hair loss that takes place at the front of the head is not affected by this topical material. There is also medication that works internally, but this works in much the same aspect as the Rogaine, and it can have some negative side effects in some patients, including sexual issues. Laser hair therapy has started to pick up popularity, as it does not require any direct medication or topical solutions, but it is expensive equipment that isn’t necessarily going to work, and the individual must use the laser based comb at least once, every single day, for the rest of their life. Instead, PRP therapy hair loss might be the answer.
PRP therapy hair loss, short for Platelet Rich Plasma is a process where blood is drawn inside of the office, just like you are having a standard blood test. However, the blood is then spun in a centrifuge and the platelet rich plasma is removed from the rest of the blood. Blood contains a mesenchymal stem cell that allows the growth of tissues and regeneration. Once the PRP has been taken from the body and prepared, the platelets are placed into position using a topical anesthesia and a micro needling in order to slightly inject the PHP into the scalp and other areas where hair loss is taking place. It works in a similar manor as a tattoo; only the needle used with the PRP therapy hair growth is far smaller and does not need to enter into the skin as deep. It only needs to make a small deposit of the PHP into the skin. The PHP contains the necessary growth factors in order to stimulate the hair follicle growth. This PRP therapy hair growth can help reduce hair loss from medical treatments and ensure a patient is able to maintain their hair.